Living Democracy
Participate in your democracy through Pathways of Action.
Drawing from examples that are meaningful to students, Living Democracy asserts that by understanding how our government works and the pathways available, individuals can effect change in our political system.
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Steady encouragement
After each new topic is presented, students answer a few questions about the main ideas. This helps them stay focused, actively process the information, and construct new knowledge.
Presentation and exploration
Fifteen chapters offer clear application to current events to show students both how government has an impact on their daily lives and how they can make a difference in what that government does.
Study questions
With more than 800 study questions, the webtext’s format encourages close reading and guides students to key information.
Everything you need
Living Democracy provides everything you need for an online course—including lecture slides, a test bank, and an analytics dashboard. Plus, we can tailor the webtext to match your program’s emphasis, term length, organization, and student expectations.
- American Government: Democracy in Action
- Introduction
- Government: It’s All Around Us
- Our Unique Political System
- Theme One: Civic Participation in Democratic Government
- Theme Two: Pathways of Action
- The Five Steps for Choosing a Pathway
- The Election Pathway
- The Lobbying Pathway
- The Court Pathway
- The Grassroots Mobilization Pathway
- Pathways of Action: Grassroots Mobilization | New Student Activism
- The Cultural Change Pathway
- Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Pathway
- Theme Three: Diversity in American Society
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Immigration Debate: A Growing Wedge Issue
- Civic Participation and Pathways: The Example of Abortion
- Analyzing the Forces of Political Stability
- Source of Stability: A Broadly Accepted Framework
- Source of Stability: The “American Creed”
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Early Governance and Constitutional Framework
- Introduction
- The Nature of Government and Politics
- Types of Governments
- Early Governance in America
- Pathways of Action: Court | The Trial of John Peter Zenger
- The American Revolution
- The Declaration of Independence
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | Thinking About a “Government by the People”
- A Revolutionary Cause
- The Colonial Experience and Pathways of Change
- The Articles of Confederation
- Shays’ Rebellion: An Alternative Look
- The Constitutional Convention
- The Great Compromise
- The Three-Fifths Compromise
- The Sectional Compromise
- The U.S. Constitution
- Core Principles of the Constitution
- How the Constitution Can Be Amended
- The Struggle over Ratification
- The Federalist Papers
- The Anti-Federalists’ Response
- A Second Revolution?
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Federalism
- Introduction
- Dividing Governmental Authority
- National Government: Reasons for Federalism
- State and Local Governments
- State Legislatures
- State Executive Branches
- State Courts
- Local Governments
- Dual Federalism
- Federalism Before the Civil War
- Doctrines of Federalism and the Civil War
- Pathways of Action: The Absence of a Pathway | The Civil War
- Federalism After the Civil War
- Post-Civil War Decisions
- The New Deal: Cooperative Federalism
- The Great Society: Creative Federalism and Federal Grants
- Recent Trends in Federalism
- Devolution
- A Return to Creative Federalism?
- Increasing Tensions Between the States and Federal Government
- The Supreme Court’s Shift in Perspective
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | A Complex Drug Policy
- Current Challenges Facing State and Local Governments
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Civil Liberties
- Introduction
- The Bill of Rights in History
- The Incorporation Process
- Pathways of Action: Court | The Right to Bear Arms
- Key Decisions on Civil Liberties
- First Amendment Rights
- The First Amendment: Establishment of Religion
- The First Amendment: Free Exercise of Religion
- The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech
- The First Amendment: Symbolic Speech
- The First Amendment: Freedom of the Press
- Limiting Freedom of Expression: Obscenity
- Civil Liberties and Criminal Justice
- The Fourth Amendment
- The Fifth Amendment
- The Sixth Amendment
- The Eighth Amendment
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | Capital Punishment and the Courts
- The Right to Privacy
- Abortion Rights
- The Right to Private Sexual Conduct
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Civil Rights
- Introduction
- The Ideal of Equality
- Advancing Equality of Opportunity
- Equal Protection of the Law
- The 14th Amendment and Reconstruction
- The Rise and Persistence of Racial Oppression
- Litigation Strategies
- Clarifying the Coverage of the Equal Protection Clause
- Three Tests for the Equal Protection Clause
- Pathways of Action: Court | Emerging Claims for Equal Treatment Under the Law
- Grassroots Mobilization and Civil Rights
- Countering Force with Nonviolent Action
- Civil Rights Legislation
- Women and Civil Rights
- Latinos and Civil Rights
- Native Americans and Civil Rights
- Contemporary Civil Rights Issues
- Complexity of Issues
- Rights for Emerging Groups
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Struggle over Marriage Equality
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Congress
- Introduction
- The Nature and Style of Representation
- Congress and the Constitution
- Who Can Serve in Congress?
- The Congressional Election Process
- Constitutional Powers of Congress
- Issues of Gerrymandering
- Redistricting Decisions
- Reapportionment Controversies
- Organizing Congress
- Organizing Congress: What Committees Do
- Pathways of Action: Election | Bipartisanship During a Pandemic?
- Organizing Congress: Political Parties and Leadership
- Legislative Parties and Change
- Legislative Leadership
- Leadership Powers
- Organizing Congress: Rules and Norms
- The Unwritten Rules of Congress
- How a Bill Becomes a Law
- Unorthodox Lawmaking
- Emergency Legislation
- Who Sits in Congress?
- The Lack of Diversity in Congress
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Are Americans Losing Faith in the People’s Branch?
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- The Presidency
- Introduction
- The President and the Constitution
- Historical Debates over the Presidency
- The Evolution of the Presidency
- The Modern Presidency
- The President’s Cabinet
- The Executive Office of the President
- Pathways of Action: Election | FDR Takes Charge!
- The Transformation of the Vice Presidency
- The Informal Powers of the President
- The Evolution of Presidential Powers
- First Ladies: A Source of Presidential Power
- The Roles of Modern Presidents
- The President as Chief Legislator
- Legislative Tools
- The President as Chief Diplomat
- Treaties and Executive Agreements
- The President as Commander in Chief
- The President as Chief Executive
- The President’s Other Roles
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Battle over Healthcare Reform
- Presidential Greatness
- Measuring Presidential Greatness
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Bureaucracy
- Introduction
- The Federal Bureaucracy
- The Development of the Federal Bureaucracy
- The New Deal and Its Aftermath
- The Organization of the Federal Bureaucracy
- Changes Since the 1960s
- Pathways of Action: Lobbying | The Clean Power Plan
- Executive Departments
- Political Appointees in the Bureaucracy
- Independent Organizations
- The Nature of Bureaucracy
- The Image of Bureaucracy
- The Advantages of Bureaucracy
- The Problems with Bureaucracy
- Reform of the Bureaucracy
- The Lobbying Pathway and Policymaking
- The Bureaucracy and Legislation
- The Bureaucracy and Information
- Regulations
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency
- Quasi-Judicial Processes
- Oversight and Accountability
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- The Judiciary
- Introduction
- How Much Power Should Judges Have?
- How American Court Systems Are Organized
- Trial Courts
- Appellate Courts
- The U.S. Supreme Court
- The Power of U.S. Judges
- Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation
- Judicial Review
- Marbury v. Madison
- Protected Tenure of Federal Judges
- Judicial Selection
- Judicial Selection in the States
- How Justices Reach Their Decisions
- Judicial Activism and Flexible Interpretation
- Political Science and Judicial Decision Making
- Using the Court Pathway
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Battle over Affirmative Action
- Elements of Strategy
- Pathways of Action: Court | Challenging Affirmative Action
- The Implementation and Impact of Court Decisions
- Judicial Policymaking and Democracy
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Political Socialization and Public Opinion
- Introduction
- Understanding Public Opinion
- The Relationship Between Public Opinion and Public Policy
- Contemporary Views of Public Opinion
- Connecting Public Opinion and Fundamental Values
- The Stability of Political Beliefs
- Shifts in Public Opinion
- Popular Culture and Public Opinion
- Public Opinion on the Status of Women
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | Bullying in the United States
- Political Ideology
- Political Socialization and Family
- Agents of Socialization: School
- Agents of Socialization: Peers, Community, and Religion
- Agents of Socialization: The Media
- Agents of Socialization: Social Media
- Pathways of Action: Cultural Change | Celebrities and Global Activism
- Agents of Socialization: Events
- Social Groups and Political Values
- The Economic Bases of Partisanship
- Education and Understanding Political Issues
- How Religion Shapes Public Opinion
- Race, Ethnicity, and Public Opinion
- Gender and Public Opinion Differences
- Measuring Public Opinion
- Modern Polling Techniques
- Understanding Survey Research
- Controversies Surrounding Polling
- The Use of Exit Polls in Recent Elections
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- The Politics of the Media
- Introduction
- The Mass Media
- Media as a Mirror
- Print Media
- Newspapers for the Masses
- Electronic Media
- Television
- The Internet
- Trust, Political Knowledge, and Social Media
- The Functions of the Media
- The Surveillance Function
- The Interpretation Function
- The Socialization Function
- The Political Uses of the Media
- How Journalists Report the News
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Rights
- Covering the President
- Pathways of Action: Election | The Strategic Use of Leaks
- Covering Congress
- Covering the Courts
- How Groups Use the Media
- Citizen Journalism
- Covering Elections
- Negative Coverage
- The Media and Campaigns
- Examining Bias in the Media
- The Partisanship of Fake News
- Media and Government: A Tense Relationship
- Media as a Watchdog
- Narrowcasting
- Regulating the Media
- The Concentration of Media Ownership
- The Role of Profits
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Interest Groups and Civil and Political Engagement
- Introduction
- Activism and Protest in the United States
- The Constitution and Civic Participation
- Influencing Government Through Mobilization and Participation
- Pathways of Action: Grassroots Mobilization | The League of United Latin American Citizens
- Types of Interest Groups
- The Interest Group Explosion
- Organizational Barriers
- Overcoming Organizational Barriers
- The Role of Interest Group Leaders
- Inside Lobbying
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Gun Control Debate
- Outside Lobbying
- Grassroots Lobbying Tactics
- Newer Tools of Indirect Lobbying
- Campaign Activities
- The Influence of Interest Groups
- Bias in Representation: Who Participates?
- Online Activism
- Final Verdict?
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Elections and Political Parties in America
- Introduction
- Expansion of the Electorate and Other Legal Issues
- Voting and Legislative Acts
- The Controversy over Voter ID Laws
- Individual Participation in Elections
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | A Brief History of Your Most Basic Right: The Right to Vote
- Explaining Turnout
- Voting and Demographic Characteristics
- Political Parties in America
- Party Elements
- The Party in the Electorate
- The Debate over Party Polarization
- Party Eras in American History
- Party Decline
- Minor Parties in U.S. Politics
- History of Minor Parties
- Parties and the Nomination Process
- Presidential Nominations
- Reforming the Nomination Process
- Pathways of Action: Election | Coming Together After the 2020 Election?
- The Electoral College
- Electoral College Controversies
- How the Electoral College Shapes Campaign Activities
- The Role of Money in Elections
- Campaign Finance Reform
- The Incumbent Fundraising Advantage
- Reforming the Reforms: BCRA
- Super PACs, Too!
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- The Policy Process and Economic Policy
- Introduction
- Making Public Policy
- The Steps of Policymaking
- Identifying the Problem
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Environmental Movement
- Setting an Agenda
- Formulating and Legitimizing Policy
- Implementing Policy
- Evaluating Policy
- Categorizing Policies by Basic Functions of Government
- Categorizing Policies by Tangible or Symbolic Benefits
- Measuring Economic Performance
- The Budget Deficit
- The Key Players in Economic Policy
- Federal Revenue
- The Tax Burden
- Tax Analysis
- Tax Reform Initiatives
- Federal Expenditures
- Social Security
- Defense
- Income Security and Medical Care
- Interest and Other Spending
- Monetary Policy
- Pathways of Action: Lobbying | The AARP
- The Fed in Action
- Monetary Policies vs. Fiscal Policies
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
- Foreign and National Security Policy
- Introduction
- Competing Approaches to Foreign Policy
- The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Conflicting Evaluations of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Echoes from the Past
- Links Between Foreign and Domestic Policy
- How International Factors Influence U.S. Politics
- Globalization and Foreign Policy
- Weighing International Gains and Losses
- The Domestic Context of U.S. Foreign Policy
- Foreign Policy and the Elections Pathway
- Foreign Policy and the Lobbying Pathway
- Foreign Policy and the Grassroots Mobilization Pathway
- Pathways of Action: Grassroots Mobilization | Bono and ONE
- Political Institutions and Foreign Policy
- The Executive Branch
- Executive Departments and Foreign Policy
- The Central Intelligence Agency
- The Legislative Branch
- A Disengaged Congress
- The Supreme Court
- Foreign Policy and National Security Issues
- Combating Terrorism
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Preemption and Deterrence
- Pathways of Action: Timeline | The Use of U.S. Military Forces in the War on Terror
- Economic and Foreign Trade Issues
- Human Welfare Issues
- Climate Change
- Conclusion
- Chapter Review
Interactive content
Study questions
Multiple-choice study questions on each page guide students to critical information by providing immediate feedback. These low-risk opportunities allow students to reset answers so they can try again or study for tests.
Response boards
Students engage each other through discussion boards that allow them to see the responses of their peers after they’ve posted their own comment.
Polls allow students to share their opinions and then view a live pie chart displaying the responses of all class members.
Study tools
Webtext Reader app
Students can access materials and complete assignments offline with our mobile app, which is available for iOS and Android.
Reading tools
Reading tools allow students to click on vocabulary terms for definitions and mark up their own webtext by highlighting and adding notes in the margins.
Read to Me
Our text-to-speech feature instantly creates an audio version of the webtext page to extend the reach of online content.
My Progress
Students can keep track of their own work inside My Progress, which records their scores, time spent, and completion.
The following materials are available for this course:
- test bank
- lecture slides
Thank you for your submission.
Daniel M. Shea (Colby College)
Christopher E. Smith (Michigan State University)
Joanne Connor Green (Texas Christian University)
Amy Sentementes (Queens University of Charlotte)
Deanne Repetto, Folsom Lake College
J. Cherie Strachan, PhD, Central Michigan University
Tressa Tabares, American River College
Peer Reviewers
Kacem Ayachi, PhD, Dallas College
David Edlefsen, PhD, Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Anne Egelston, PhD, Tarleton State University
Adam McGlynn, PhD, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Tina “Sophia” Mrouri, Lone Star College System
Michael Rabi, Mt. San Jacinto Community College District
Mary Jane Lindrum
Executive Editor
Jenny Westrick
Creative Director
Zara Elizabeth Crockett
Content Editor
Alexandra Tanner
Project Manager
Autumn McGimsey
Learning Designers
Laura Aitcheson
Jonathan Campbell
Assessment Writer
Keely Sarr
Production Coordinator
Georgia Mason
Production Editors
John Alfieri
Stephen Clark
Rachel Garzarelli
Marquita Jones
Natalie Welch
Photo Research & Permissions
Zara Elizabeth Crockett
Macks Lazo
User Interface Design
Sam Korthof
Clint McFarlin