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Public Speaking for Everyone webtext cover

Stronger engagement

After each new topic is presented, students answer a few questions about the main ideas. This keeps students maintaining focus, actively processing the information, and constructing new knowledge.

Authentic examples

Each chapter offers concise presentation of key concepts. Authentic example speeches and advice from developing speakers put the concepts into context.

Practice and revision opportunities

Formative assessments help students outline, draft, practice, receive feedback, and revise as they develop their speeches using tools like Outlining Templates and Video Recorders powered by GoReact.

Everything you need

Public Speaking for Everyone provides everything you need for a more engaging public speaking course, including the text, example speeches, interactive video recorders, outlining templates, study questions, and an analytics dashboard. We've worked hard to make the adoption and integration process simple and painless. And we can tailor the webtext to match your program’s emphasis, term length, and assigned speeches.

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