Sociology: You Are Here
A new title under development for Fall 2025, Sociology: You Are Here connects key concepts to lived experience, equipping students to build an understanding of the social world that will help them better navigate their daily lives.
Designed to align with the ASA’s recommendations for the intro-level course, this webtext includes built-in formative assessment, interactive polling, and a recurring feature that develops students’ data literacy.

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Stronger engagement
After each new topic is presented, students answer a few reading questions about the main ideas. This helps students maintain focus, actively process information, and construct new knowledge.
Presentation and relevance
Each chapter offers concise presentation of key concepts. Examples and interactive features help students see the relevance of sociology to their daily lives.
Data exploration
Follow the Data feature pages help students develop data literacy and evaluate common assumptions using real data.
Everything you need
Sociology provides everything you need for an online course. And we can tailor the webtext to match your course’s term length, scope, and sequence.
- Discovering Sociology
- Introduction
- Studying Society
- Imagining Questions
- Perspectives: Functionalism
- Perspectives: Conflict Theory
- Perspectives: Symbolic Interactionism
- Harriet Martineau: Observing Society
- Émile Durkheim: Analyzing Social Facts
- Karl Marx: Investigating Social Change
- Max Weber: Examining Interaction
- W. E. B. Du Bois: Challenging Assumptions
- Sociology and Data
- Follow the Data: The Age of College Students
- Chapter Quiz: Discovering Sociology
- You Are Here: Sociology
- The Science of Sociology
- Introduction
- Looking for Answers
- Early Stages of Research
- Research Design
- Types of Data
- Experiments
- Surveys
- Survey Design
- Participant Observation
- Using Existing Data
- Interpreting Data and Sharing Findings
- Research Ethics
- Issues in Research
- Finding Credible Information
- Follow the Data: Factors in College Decisions
- Chapter Quiz: The Science of Sociology
- You Are Here: Scientific Knowledge
- Culture and Society
- Introduction
- Types of Societies
- Material Culture
- Nonmaterial Culture: Language and Symbols
- The Power of Language
- Nonmaterial Culture: Norms
- Nonmaterial Culture: Beliefs and Values
- Perspectives on Culture
- High Culture and Popular Culture
- Dominant Culture, Subcultures, and Countercultures
- Engaging with Other Cultures
- Cultural Capital
- Social and Cultural Change
- Society, Culture, and Community
- Follow the Data: Commuting as Culture
- Chapter Quiz: Culture and Society
- You Are Here: Culture
- Identities, the Self, and Socialization
- Introduction
- Identity, Personality, and the Self
- Identity and Status
- Social Roles and the Presentation of Self
- Social Interaction
- Theories of Social Development
- Socialization
- Primary and Secondary Socialization
- Social Group Agents of Socialization
- Institutional Agents of Socialization
- Total Institutions and Resocialization
- The Social Construction of Reality
- Perspectives on the Self and Socialization
- Follow the Data: Speech, Status, and Social Interactions
- Chapter Quiz: Identities, the Self, and Socialization
- You Are Here: The Self and Socialization
- Groups and Organizations
- Introduction
- Groups and Why They Matter
- Primary and Secondary Groups
- Group Size
- Group Formality and Diversity
- The Power of Groups: Reference Groups and In-Groups & Out-Groups
- Formal Organizations
- Bureaucracies
- The McDonaldization of Society
- Social Networks
- Group Leadership
- The Dangers of Groups
- Perspectives on Groups and Organizations
- Follow the Data: Groups and Volunteering
- Chapter Quiz: Groups and Organizations
- You Are Here: Groups and Organizations
- Deviance
- Introduction
- The Social Construction of Deviance
- The Social Imaginary and Deviance
- Socialization and Deviance
- Functionalism and Deviance
- Merton’s Typology of Deviance
- Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance
- Social Stigma
- Conflict Theory and Deviance
- Social Power and Deviance
- Follow the Data: Causes of Homelessness
- Social Change and Deviance
- Crime and Deviance
- Perspectives on Crime
- Chapter Quiz: Deviance
- You Are Here: Deviance
- Race and Ethnicity
- Introduction
- Race and Identity
- Ethnicity and Identity
- The White Racial Frame
- Race as a Social Construct
- Race, Ethnicity, and the U.S. Census
- Defining Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
- Institutional Racism
- Explicit and Implicit Bias
- Theories of Race and Ethnicity
- Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity: Bias in Online Dating
- Migration
- Migration in the United States
- A Nation of Immigrants
- Follow the Data: Race, Ethnicity, and Wage Gaps in the United States
- Chapter Quiz: Race and Ethnicity
- You Are Here: Race and Ethnicity
- Gender and Sexuality
- Introduction
- Sex and Gender
- Gender Identity and Expression
- Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
- Sexuality as a Spectrum
- Traditional Gender Norms and Roles
- Gender Socialization
- Gender in Society
- Gender in Marketing and Consumption
- Discrimination Based on Gender and Sexual Orientation
- Responses to Discrimination Based on Gender and Sexual Orientation
- Perspectives on Sex and Gender: The Trad Wife Trend
- Follow the Data: Gender and Household Labor
- Chapter Quiz: Gender and Sexuality
- You Are Here: Gender and Sexuality
- Age
- Introduction
- Stages of Life
- The Aging Process
- A Graying Population
- A Brief History of Old Age in the United States
- Social Security
- Healthcare
- Ageism and Stratification in the Older Population
- Death and Dying
- Generations
- Follow the Data: The Generational Power Index
- Perspectives on Age: Biohacking
- Chapter Quiz: Age
- You Are Here: Age
- Political Power
- Introduction
- Weber’s Three Types of Authority
- Models of Power in Society
- The State
- Types of Governments
- Types of Democracy
- Democracy in the United States
- Law and Political Power
- Political Socialization and Ideology
- Social Policy
- Civil Society
- Public Opinion
- Perspectives on Political Power: Labor Disputes
- Follow the Data: The 2016 Presidential Election, Part 1
- Follow the Data: The 2016 Presidential Election, Part 2
- Chapter Quiz: Political Power
- You Are Here: Political Power
- Economic Power
- Introduction
- The Economy, Society, and You
- Three Economic Sectors
- Economic Systems
- Capitalism
- Planned Economies
- Socialism
- Mixed Economies
- Social Stratification
- Systems of Stratification
- Social Classes in the United States
- Impacts of Social Class
- Follow the Data: Economic Inequality in the United States, Part 1
- Follow the Data: Economic Inequality in the United States, Part 2
- Social Mobility
- Social Mobility Trends
- Perspectives on Economic Power: Student Loan Debt
- Chapter Quiz: Economic Power
- You Are Here: Economic Power
- Collective Action
- Introduction
- Collective Behavior
- Types of Social Movements
- The Challenges of Collective Action
- Theories of Social Movements
- The Life Cycle of Social Movements
- Components of Social Movements
- Social Movement Strategies
- Outcomes of Social Movements
- The Labor Movement
- The Civil Rights Movement
- The STOP ERA Movement
- Perspectives on Collective Action: The Water Back Movement
- Follow the Data: Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Chapter Quiz: Collective Action
- You Are Here: Collective Action
- Family
- Introduction
- Family and Kinship
- Family Life Cycle: Courtship
- Family Life Cycle: Marriage
- Family Life Cycle: Childrearing
- Family Life Cycle: Launch
- Families and Households in the United States
- A Sociology of Family Life
- Kinkeeping and Family Gender Dynamics
- Follow the Data: Household Living Arrangements
- Chapter Quiz: Family
- You Are Here: Family
- Education
- Introduction
- Education as a Social Institution
- The History of Education
- Types of Schools
- Primary and Secondary Education in the United States
- Inequalities in Education
- Education Policy
- Higher Education in the United States
- Economic Issues in Education
- Follow the Data: Remote Learning
- Chapter Quiz: Education
- You Are Here: Education
- Religion
- Introduction
- Religion as a Social Institution
- Religious Concepts and Categories
- Major Religions: Hinduism, Judaism, and Buddhism
- Major Religions: Christianity and Islam
- Measuring Religion
- Follow the Data: The Religious Landscape of the United States
- Chapter Quiz: Religion
- You Are Here: Religion
- Work and the Workplace
- Under Development
- Media
- Under Development
- Health and Medicine
- Under Development
- Institutions and the Environment
- Under Development
Interactive content
Study questions
Multiple-choice and short-answer questions guide students to critical information by providing immediate feedback. These low-risk opportunities allow students to reset answers to try again or study for tests.
Response boards
Students engage each other through discussion boards that only allow students to see the responses of their peers after they’ve posted their own comment.
Polls allow students to respond to survey questions and compare their response to the responses of their classmates as well as national survey data.
Study tools
Webtext Reader app
Students can access materials and complete assignments offline with our mobile app available for iOS and Android.
Reading tools
Reading tools allow students to click on vocabulary terms for definitions and mark up their own webtext by highlighting and adding notes in the margins.
Read to Me
Our text-to-speech feature instantly creates an audio version of the webtext page to extend the reach of online content.
My Progress
Students can keep track of their own work inside My Progress, which records their scores, time spent, and completion.
The following materials are available for this course:
- Test bank
- Lecture slides
- Release notes
Thank you for your submission.
Miguel Centellas, PhD
Advisory Board
Bethaney Ferguson, MA, Cape Fear Community College
John P. Hoffman, PhD, Brigham Young University
Michael Jessup, PhD, Taylor University
Kendra Murphy, MA, University of Memphis
Jennifer Turner, PhD, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Jennifer Vanderminden, PhD, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Monica Whitham, PhD, Oklahoma State University
Mary Jane Lindrum
Executive Editor
Jenny Westrick
Creative Director
Zara Elizabeth Crockett
Content Editor
Jill Gallagher
Lead Learning Designer
Lindsy Pietroski
Learning Designer
Jonathan Campbell
Assessment Specialist
Laura Aitcheson
Assessment Writers
Stephen Clark
Rebekah Krahe
Production Coordinator
Natalie Welch
Production Editors
Rachel Garzarelli
Marquita Jones
Assistant Production Editors
Erin Griffin Collum
Serena Giunchigliani
Thinacha Newberry
Photo Research
Zara Elizabeth Crockett
Rachel Garzarelli
Christine Myaskovsky
Video Production
Zara Elizabeth Crockett
Kristian Melom
User Interface Design
Sam Korthof
Clint McFarlin